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What is Quinoa, why is it good, and how do I pronounce it?

Quinoa, which is pronounced ‘KEEN-WAH’, is a seed that is harvested from the plant which may look like a grain, but it is actually more of a direct descendent of the dark leafy vegetable species of plants. This one food is mesmerizing in that it has nutritional properties similar to both grains and vegetables. The plant is one that is most closely related to spinach, though the seeds of the plant are harvested in a manner consistent with other grains and thus this is why quinoa is referred to by many as a combination of a seed, a grain and a vegetable.

One of the top reasons why quinoa is eaten for health benefits is that it is extremely high in protein. In fact, the protein found in quinoa is so complete, it actually is comprised of all of the essential amino acids required for optimal health. In addition, quinoa also contains a good amount of lysine which is extremely beneficial for good skin as it aides in the repair and rejuvenation of skin cells and tissue. Quinoa is also known for having a fair amount of magnesium as well, and this too is one of those minerals that is beneficial to overall health.

Quinoa is an ideal way to add some protein and good taste to your diet. Cooked quinoa has a fluffy texture which is similar to rice and grains, and the slight hint of nuttiness that the natural flavor has is ideal for use in a variety of recipes and dishes.

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