Telling signs of aging can often be reversed or controlled using various cremes and gentle cleansers. Unfortunately, your hands are often and neglected in your skincare regimen, which makes them appear aged more prominently than other areas of your body.
One reason hands develop more visible age spots, wrinkles and dry skin is because they’re exposed to sunlight and other harsh elements on a daily basis. From windy, cold weather, and UV rays to repeated hand washing, your hands take the brunt of the work you do every day.
Dishwashing, showers and hand washing your hands will remove natural, helpful oils from your skin. This drying of the skin makes hands appear older. Wearing gloves during dishwashing, using a hand exfoliator and hand cremes will preserve a more youthful appearance. During colder months, moisturizing before putting on gloves will protect hands from the harsh environment while locking in the nourishing moisture.
How do you remember to baby your hands? Put lotion next to each sink in the house and keep a small bottle with you at all times. Regular moisturizing will prevent pesky age spots, wrinkles and dry, cracked skin to maintain a youthful appearance.
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